Barcode Plugin lets you render barcodes for any desired input.
* Supports all three Code 39 barcode encodings: Code 39, Code 39 mod 43, and Full ASCII Code 39
* New: Supports 5, 6, 9, and 11 digit POSTNET encodings
* Automatically tries to convert text into an encodable format. (Example: "" in Code 39 becomes "SEPCOT.COM")
* Provides visual feedback for text that cannot be encoded.
* Uses the user defined Primary and Secondary colors to build the barcodes. Note: Barcodes built with colors other than Black (Primary) and White (Secondary) will probably not scan correctly.
* The width of the bars in the barcode adjust to fill the available space. No barcode is shown if the surface is too small for the barcode to be completely drawn.
* Fixed: Supports non-rectangular selections. Note: Barcodes may not scan correctly if not rectangular.